

生活· 艺术 · 想法

Dreams and Thoughts


Last night I had two dreams, one of which I can't remember, but the other is still fresh in my memory:

In a dilapidated village, under the night sky, a ragged little girl walked slowly behind me. How ragged was she? She was only wearing a tattered white vest that barely covered her body. She walked to an empty squat toilet and squatted down to relieve herself. "Empty"? Yes, here "empty" means there are no walls or partitions, only an empty squatting position. After the little girl squatted down, she slowly pulled out a sanitary pad from her vagina and casually threw it aside. It was then that I noticed what was next to the squatting pit: a mountain of blood made up of sanitary pads. Although I don't know how I felt in the dream, in reality, encountering this scene would definitely scare me half to death...

Under the moonlight, the blood mountain appeared particularly terrifying, in stark contrast to the thin little girl next to it. I wanted to ask the little girl a few questions, but she quickly ran away. I had many questions in my mind: Do all the women in this village come here to use the toilet? Why don't they solve it in their own homes? Does this little girl have any hidden secrets? I looked at that blood mountain, I knew its name, it's called "that". Perhaps in their village, menstrual blood is not considered auspicious, so they can't let it stay at home... and so on.

Actually, when it comes to this point, I already know the reason why I had this dream. It was because of a stand-up comedy show I watched recently. I really hope that every woman during her period can watch it, it's really well said.

Menstruation, it's not called "period", nor "aunt Flo", and definitely not "that". It's called "menstrual cycle". There's nothing to be ashamed of, bleeding for the birth of new life is a great thing. May every woman live confidently in the sunshine.

Why, It's a Plant Guide#

Recently, I watched a video recommended by Professor Wu Xiaolong, in which he recommended a book called "Why, It's a Plant Guide" by Zhongping Zhuoma. He mentioned that Zhongping Zhuoma wrote this book because his previous photos were used by others to explain something else, not according to Zhongping Zhuoma's creative concept. Zhongping Zhuoma was very angry and felt that it violated his original intention of creation. As he further contemplated photography, he realized that simply recording is an almost impossible task, as everyone will have different thoughts about a photograph. So he began to search for something that "everyone sees what I see", and finally he focused on plants. Plants are something between living and non-living, and almost everyone will have the same feelings when they see them.

I haven't read this book, and the above words are all based on my memory of Professor Wu Xiaolong's retelling. Actually, even if we see the same plant, everyone will still have different thoughts in their hearts. This is inevitable. If we use the theory of "mirror and window" as a metaphor, Zhongping Zhuoma wants to find a perfect "window". However, this doesn't exist. A mirror can never be a perfect mirror, and a window can never be a perfect window. As long as you stand in front of a window, there will always be your reflection, regardless of what you want to see. And when you stand in front of a mirror, you only want to see yourself, but you can't stop the mirror from reflecting the environment you are in.

Of course, Zhongping Zhuoma's deeper thoughts will require me to read the book and analyze it in detail. Here, I have only summarized my current thoughts.

Every time I enter the hospital, there is always some fog on my glasses.

First Impression

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